Sunday, March 16, 2008

Valentines Day

I know that valentines day was a long time ago, but I am a little slow. So here I go! This valentines day was the first time in my life that I had a valentine. So I asked a really cute girl is she would be my valentine, and she had to think about it for a long time. Luckily she said yes! So then I had to think of somthing to do. I found out about this sleigh ride they were doing just outside of town. That was really fun. The only problem is that it is really cold in rexburg and riding on a sleigh for an hour was pretty cold. It was really fun though and we had a good time.

After we got done with the sleigh ride I decided that we needed to do something else fun. There is a large ballroom on the second floor of one of the buildings on main street. I asked Kimberly's roomates to set up a little table with some desserts on it. So after we left the sleigh ride and went to this ballroom and had a little dessert.

It was really fun. I think she liked it.


Laurie said...

Yeah Dave! Your first real post! AND your first Valentine! You're growing up so fast!

Looks like lots of fun and very cute pictures. Thanks for sharing them. I'm guessing she had a good time also. How couldn't she? It's super cool, and way sweet you she was with! Are you bringing her home again anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

I am so proud that you finally added a real post, I don't know if this had anything to do with our little chat last night but seriously I am so proud!!
(tear)! I've seen all those pictures somewhere already I just didn't know what was going on so it was good to hear the whole story. I'm glad you had a good time. See ya soon!

Kara Welker said...

So proud so proud! Your first post!! You two are so cute! Glad you had a good V-day!!

Laurie said...

Hey Dave, I just had one of those rare brilliant ideas. I think that Kimberly should get a blog and then she can keep us all up to date on her life and since you are around her alot, maybe we will be able to see what you are up to also.