Thursday, May 8, 2008

You would think you could just turn the water on!!

For the summer I have decided that I would come home and work on the farm!  This has been a grand adventure(isn't it always)!  The first week home was probably the longest, but I don't think it was all because of the work, probably the lack of social life is more like it!  Since then it has improved significantly..........ish!

So working has been fun and for the most part we have been able to get a lot of things done!  We put up a new fence line that Dad has been wanting to do for a few years, and we moved a lot of rocks so we can hopefully gain a few more acres of farmland!  Work has been going grand!  

This week we thought everything would go just as well--when does that ever really happen though!  On Saturday last we decided that we would start the water on Monday, easy enough.  All we had to do was make sure the pipes were all working well and straighten the wheel lines so they were going the right direction!  Okay, we had a few lines that had broken, so the loose lines were all over the yard(literally, some were even on our lawn)!  This wasn't to hard to fix we just pushed the loose ones back, replace the broken ones, straighten the line, and we're done!!!

After working all day Saturday and all morning Monday we were ready to turn on the water.  This is always fun!  We turn on the pump and noticed it wasn't filling up the pressure like it should so we went to see what was wrong.  Well one of the valve openers wasn't clamped down right so it sprayed all over, the hand line was laying down so it sprayed water all over, and one of the hoses come unhooked so it sprayed all over.  Little things that we have dealt with many time, easy fixes!  

As we finished hooking all those up we still didn't have the pressure we should have had.  So as Dad drove up to the pump (I was talking to him on the cell phone on the other side of the farm) I could just tell that he wasn't happy with something!  He said there was water were it wasn't supposed to be and that we would have to turn off the pump.  Great!  Apparently the 10 inch pipe that is 10 feet from the pump had rusted through.  It was a big enough hole that dad decided there was no way he could just weld it back,  This would mean replacing the whole pipe!  this wouldn't be so bad but the pipe isn't straight.  It is actually the blue pipe that sticks out of the ground by the pump, if anyone remembers!  So since it doesn't work what else do you do but replace it.  Dad and Brian went into the Sprinkler Shop and got new pipes, one of Brian's co-workers come and helped weld, and Dad and I mixed new cement that held it in place.  

On last Saturday we thought that we would be able to start watering our fields by monday and then go over to Grandma's farm to start hers by wednesday, now we are hoping to finish this project tomorrow so we can turn water on saturday--only 5 days behind plans!  Who ever gets things done on time anyways, I know I procrastinate homework until the last minute.  Why would i want to get farm work done on time?


Mel said...

Good job workers! I remember watering to have always been an adventure. This tops anything I can remember. I am sure Dad is loving having good help back. Keep up the great work and I hope you get the water going soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Mel. I am sure glad dad has you there to help. What a mess to deal with that all on your own. Keep up the good work.

Laurie said...

I'm glad it was your headache and not mine! I'm glad your there to help Dad out though. We'll see you tomorrow! Just in time to see it all come together!

Kimberly said...

WOW, looks like you are a busy kid. I am glad you could fit me into your summer.

Kara Welker said...

GOod job Dave! haha! Gotta love bein home for the summer!